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Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960)
American columnist (under the pen name F.P.A.), writer, and wit.
He was born in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from the Armour Scientific Academy in 1889 and attended the University of Michigan for one year. He first worked for the Chicago Journal in 1903 but soon moved to the New York Evening Mail, where he worked from 1904 to 1913 and began the famed column which would later be known as "The Conning Tower". In 1913, he moved his column to the New York Tribune, where it would take "The Conning Tower" name, staying there until 1921.
During World War I, Adams was in the U.S. Army, working on the Stars and Stripes. After the war, Adams returned to New York. He went to the New York World, in 1921, writing there until that paper closed in 1931. He returned to his old paper, renamed the New York Herald Tribune, staying until 1937 when he went to the New York Post. During its long run, "The Conning Tower" publicized the work of such writers as Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker, George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart, Edna Ferber, and Deems Taylor. He also was a translator of Horace and other classical authors. He died in New York City.
  • Tobogganing on Parnassus, 1911
  • So Much Velvet, 1924
  • Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys, 1935
  • Melancholy Lute, 1936
  • Nods and Becks, 1944
  • Hits and Errors, 1947

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