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Victor Cherbuliez (1829-1899)

Charles Victor Cherbuliez was born on the 19th of July in Geneva, he was a French novelist and miscellaneous writer.
He was descended from a family of Protestant refugees, and many years later Victor Cherbuliez resumed his French nationality, taking advantage of an act passed in the early days of the Revolution. Geneva was the scene of his early education; thence he proceeded to Paris, and afterwards to the universities of Bonn and Berlin.
He returned to his native town and engaged in the profession of teaching. After his resumption of French citizenship he was elected a member of the Academy (1881), and having received the Legion of Honor in 1870, he was promoted to be officer of the order in 1892.
Cherbuliez was a voluminous and successful writer of fiction.
Works: "Le Comte Kostia" (1863), "Le Prince Vitale" (1864), "Le roman d'une honnête femme" (1866), "L'aventure de Ladislas Bolski" (1869), "Miss Rovel" (1875), "Samuel Brohl et Cie" (1877), "L'idée de Jean Téterol" (1878), "Noirs et rouges" (1881), "La vocation du comte Ghislain" (1888), "Une gageure" (1890), "Le Secret du précepteur" (1893), "Jacquine Vanesse" (1898).

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