Massimo D'Alema (1949)

Massimo D'Alema was born in Rome, Italy, on 20 April 1949.
He is married to Linda Giuva, and has two children: Giulia and Francesco. He has
a high school diploma in classical studies and studied Philosophy at the
University of Pisa.
He is a professional journalist and was Chief Editor of the daily newspaper
"L'Unità " from 1988 to 1990.
Mr D'Alema's political activities began in 1963, when he joined the Italian
Young Communists' Federation (FGCI). In 1975 he was elected General Secretary of
the organization, and held that post until 1980. In 1986, Massimo D'Alema became
a member of the Secretariat of the Italian Communist Party, and in 1987 was
elected member of the Italian Parliament (Camera dei deputati). In 1989, he was
actively engaged in the process which transformed the Italian Communist Party
into the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS).
In 1992 Mr D'Alema became President of the PDS parliamentary group in the
Chamber of Deputies. He was re-elected MP both in 1994 and 1996. In July 1994 he
was elected General Secretary of the PDS. On 5 February 1997 Massimo D'Alema was
elected Chair of the parliamentary Committee on Constitutional reform; on 4
November 1997 the Committee submitted to the two Houses of Parliament a draft
reform of Part II of the Italian Constitution.
On 21 October 1998 Mr D'Alema became Prime Minister of Italy. He was in office
until April 2000. In December 2000 he was elected President of the Democrats of
the Left. In October 2003, at the 22nd Congress of the Socialist International
in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he was elected Vice-President of the S.I. In June 2004 Mr
D'Alema became a Member of the European Parliament, where he holds the position
of Chair of the EP Delegation for relations between the EU and the Mercosur.
He is also President of a political Foundation called "Fondazione di cultura
politica Italianieuropei".
On 9 April 2006 he was elected MP for Apulia representing the Olive Tree
On 17 May 2006 he was appointed deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary in
the Prodi government. |