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Bernard Dupriez (1933)

He was born on the 9th of July 1933 in Seraing, Belgium; he is married, with three sons and six nephews.
He attended university in Liège, Brussels and Louvain, studying Law, Philosophy, Latin Philology, and Education. He got a doctor's degree in History of modern thought at Sorbona Univeristy (Paris) and in Stylistics at Strasbourg University. He also taught Greek, Latin, French, linguistics, literature and art history in Quebec and Belgium, and, after 1961, he taught 17th and 20th centuries literature, French grammar, Stylistics and Literary genres at Montreal University.
Publications: "Fénelon et la Bible" (1959), "L'Etude de styles" (1971), "Apprenez seul l'ortographe d'usage et apprenez seul l'ortographe grammaticale" (1966), "Cours autodidactique de français écrit" (1976), "Gradus. Les procédés littéraires".

language is an aggregate of which each speaker possesses a portion