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Giorgio Bàrberi Squarotti (1929-)


Born in Turin in 1929, where Squarotti graduated with Giovanni Getto with a thesis on the literary work of Giordano Bruno. From 1967 he has taught at the University of Turin in the capacity of professor of Italian literature. After Astrazione e realtà in 1960, Squarotti has published a great number of works that examine figures and times of Italian literature from Dante to Manzoni, Petrarch to Marino, Arriosto to Tasso, Boccaccio to d'Annunzio, from Pascoli to Sbarbaro, from Pavese to Montale and other contemporaries. Many, then, are the volumes of verse from 1960 to last year. Aside from these works, he is also the scientific responsabile of the Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana (the Great Dictionary of the Italian Language) of Utet, through which he also directs the collection of "Classici italiani". Last but not least, he is the co-director of "Lettere italiane" and of "Astolfo".

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