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Eric Berne (1910-1970)
Dr. Eric Berne was a dominant force in clinical psychiatry from his early work in New York City in the late 1930s up until his death in Carmel, California in 1970. After his psychoanalyst training in both New York and San Francisco, Berne published a series of papers in which the foundation of Transactional Analysis was laid. The paper "Transactional Analysis: A New and Effective Method of Group Therapy" published in 1957 was the first in which the term Transactional Analysis was used.
Berne continued with both clinical work and research after the creation of Transactional Analysis. The results of these efforts culminated in a series of books, the most famous of which is Games People Play published in 1964. In Games, Berne defined specific socially dysfunctional behavioral patterns as "games." These transactions or games can often indicate negative feelings or hide real emotions. Games was one of the top non-fiction books of the early 1960s and achieved widespread popularity and recognition.
 Berne passed away in 1970, leaving behind a legacy of 30+ books and journal articles, the founding of Transactional Analysis, and the creation of the International Transactional Analysis Association.

Selected Bibliography:

Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy 1961
The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups 1963
Games People Play 1964
Principles of Group Treatment 1966
A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis 1968
What Do You Say After You Say Hello? 1970
Sex in Human Loving 1970
Beyond Games and Scripts 1976
Intuition and Ego States: The Origins of Transactional Analysis: A Series of Papers 1977

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