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Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)  

Poet and dramatist, son of Sir William Wilde, the eminent surgeon, was born in Dublin, and educated first at Trinity College, and later at Oxford.
He was one of the founders of the english esthetic movement which believed in art less as an escape from than as a sobstitute for life.
The poets of the nineties aimed to demonstrate, in their works as well as in their existence, a way of life which was identical to a way of art. Among his writings are Poems (1881), The Picture of Dorian Gray, a symbolic novel and the manifesto of english estheticism, and several plays, including Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of no Importance, and The Importance of being Earnest. In his comedies, unlike his prose writings, Wilde strove to reduce the formulas of the Victorian melodrama to an ultrasophisticated stylization. But dialogues and plots showed an ideal wit and an extraordinary love of paradox capable of provoking and shocking the contemporary audience.
Later on in his brief life, he was convicted of a serious offence (Wilde was accused of homosexuality), and after his release from prison in Reading, he went abroad and died miserably in Paris at the age of 46.
From Biographical Dictionary of English Literature - the Everyman Edition of 1910

 - Photographs of Oscar Wilde
 - The World-Wide Wilde Web

a mmìa mi fanu´mpazziri i partiti politici: su´l´unicu postu unni a´ ggenti non para ri pulitica
a scoal je na bella cosa, ma unu s\'a\' rrivurdari ca nenti ri zoccu val\'a pena canùsciri si po\'mparari
a´sigaretta jé u´piaciri perfettu: ti piaci je non ti runa saziu. Chi ppo´ vuliri cchiossaj?
cosi re´ turchi, ca i cristiani vanu peri peri cuntannu cosi arreri e´ nostri spaddi ca su a´virità
c´jè sulu na cosa o´munnu cchiù ppeggiu ri fari parari ri coccarunu, ca jè non fari parari ri coccarunu
i carusi ri uoggi pénzunu ca i soddi su´ tuttu je cca´ vicchiania scóprunu ca jè a ppi daveru r´accussì
jessiri egoista non veni a ddiri campari comu vulemu, ma veni a ddiri ca l´auttri an´a campari comu vulemu nuattri.
l´omu jè n´armali ca rraggiuna ca non si sapi cchiù cuntrullari quannu s´av´a cumputtari ccó ciriveddu
non sugnu carusu abbastanza ppi sapiri tuttu
ogni vvota ca a´ggenti mi rici ca c´jaiu raggiuni mi pare sempri ca non ci ll´aju
sta´pantaciata jè tirribbili, spera ddìu rura
unu aviss\' a jèssiri sempr \'nnammuratu. Ppi chissu unu non s\' aviss\' a\' mmaritari mai
´nfin´a´quannu a´vera aresta na´cosa tinta jè sempri n´attrazzioni. Su vvinissi cunisdirata na´cosa zaurda allura spiddissi ri piaciri