Dieter Wunderlich (1937)
Born in Rostock, Germany, in 1937, Wunderlich is an important germany professor
and linguist. He is the author of the books Arbeitsbuch Semantik (1980), Foundations of Linguistics (1979), Studien zur
Sprechakttheorie (1976) and Grundlagen der Linguistik (1974); the editor of several books, handbooks and series and Guest
professor in Denmark, Norway, France, Hungary, Portugal, England, Czechia, Japan, China and USA.
He was the first president of the German Society of Linguistics (DGfS), Member
of the Fachbeirat MPI for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen), Professor for Germanic Linguistics in the Free University Berlin,
Chair in General Linguistics in the Heinrich- Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and Speaker of the Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 282
Theory of the Lexicon, Düsseldorf.
Currently Advisory Board ZAS, in Berlin.