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Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)  

Poet and dramatist, son of Sir William Wilde, the eminent surgeon, was born in Dublin, and educated first at Trinity College, and later at Oxford.
He was one of the founders of the english esthetic movement which believed in art less as an escape from than as a sobstitute for life.
The poets of the nineties aimed to demonstrate, in their works as well as in their existence, a way of life which was identical to a way of art. Among his writings are Poems (1881), The Picture of Dorian Gray, a symbolic novel and the manifesto of english estheticism, and several plays, including Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of no Importance, and The Importance of being Earnest. In his comedies, unlike his prose writings, Wilde strove to reduce the formulas of the Victorian melodrama to an ultrasophisticated stylization. But dialogues and plots showed an ideal wit and an extraordinary love of paradox capable of provoking and shocking the contemporary audience.
Later on in his brief life, he was convicted of a serious offence (Wilde was accused of homosexuality), and after his release from prison in Reading, he went abroad and died miserably in Paris at the age of 46.
From Biographical Dictionary of English Literature - the Everyman Edition of 1910

 - Photographs of Oscar Wilde
 - The World-Wide Wilde Web

a b\'sogna sempar zughé onestament, quand c\'a ta ritrouva te men la cherta vinzènt
al doni a voj ben ma noun par e\' nostri manchevulezi. S\'n\'avem abastenza, a\'c\'ascusen de tott, enca e\' giodizi c\'avem
avèm tant ad quel robi cumpagn t\'l\'americhéni; tod de\' maz, ovimìnt, la lengua
a\' besta fe\' mej una persouna par scianterla
a\' bsogna esre castighed e tinir te ment c\'a li eltri a son da men ad noun
a\'io dal gosti pupulér; a ma basta e\' mej
a\'io stoima ad vec ad piò de sitenta an; promiten mal doni l\'amour par tot\'al voida
a\'m pis ad scora. Souvént, par scutéss, a\'m suzéd c\'a scorr ma me mesmi. Dal volti a son adsé sbòzich c\'an capéss gnenca me quel c\'a scorr
e\' fatt piò nutèvul te mond a vegna dint\'e\' zirvèl
e\' lavour l\'è e\' rifuz ad quel c\'la gnint da fé
in ti quiscioun ad nutèvul impurtènza, e\' rdòt l\'è la manìra, menga l\'esser\' scìtt
la clèsi ad livoratour a\'n\'a eltra misioun ca dèss l\'isèmpi bon
li omen l\'an trouvé la propri streda par ché an saveva indove \'steva e camoin
l\'archén d\'la felizidà l\'è de\' reta me vulir rufien
l\'è propri quand e\' dvoin a vol castigher ma noun, ca esaudess l\' orazioun nostri
l\'è propri uribel c\'la zenta la va\' in zir a scur robi ad noun c\'la son propri veri
l\'eguesom un\'è menga fe\' la voida c\'a paress ma noun, piò tost fe\' fer ma l\'eltri la voida c\'a paress ma noun
l\'istruzioun l\'è na roba admirevul, però l\'è ben fe\' da cont, dal volti, c\'u gn\'è gnint c\'l\'é e\' ches ad imparess c\'as possa imparèr m\'unquél
l\'obligh l\'è quel ca c\'aspitem a fàzan gli eltri
l\'om l\'è on animél s\'la rasoun ca va te palòun te mumènt ad quèl al\'s cema a fèr dal robi sgound rasoun
quel c\'lè la rasoun par e paroloun? U\'ì è sens de muliga, dindri ma quel
te mond, u\'i é sol do trazedi: la proima l\'è spuntér menga quel c\'u vol; la sgonda l\'è esre bon ad spuntér
tott l\'è piricolous. Ma, s\'an foss adsé, an sarìa e\' ches ad campé
tot\'al volti, a digh quel ca ma pasa da bon te zervel; ozdé, tanimodi, l\'è dventé un bel svarioun, sgom u\'s reschia ad fnir mincioun
u i\'è unquèl ad tragich ma e fatt c\'l\'om, te mumènt qvand l\'à invintèd ona machina prètich ad impersunéss se mismi, te lavour, l\'à cumzèd à patèss la fèma
unquèl c\'abia amour, un\'è puret
u\'i è na masa ad robi ca\'s zeterèb d\'un chènt, san\'s avess la pavura c\'l\'eltri a putèss tò su
u\'ié do orden dal zenti: li omen da ben e quei dilinquent. La zernìa la è fata da li omen da ben
\'na sigareta l\'è e\' zenri pirfét ad piazèr pirfèt. L\'è na libìdin, e a\'t lasa scuntènt. Se ca vu ad piò?
\'sta suspence la è terebil... spirem c\'a duress!