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Enzo Jannacci (1935)

Enzo Jannacci is one of the best known Italian composers in contemporary music who was born on the 3rd of June 1935 in Milan, from a family that had its origin in Puglia: his grandfather, Vincenzo, was a migrant to Milan from Bari before the First World War. Enzo's father was born in Milan, he was a aviation officer and worked at the Forlantini airport, quoted in the song "El portava i scarp del tennis" (He wore sneakers).
After attending the Liceo Classico, he gratuated in Medicine at Milan University, getting a specialization in general surgery and working as a doctor for several years.
In the meanwhile he also started a musician career: after the diploma in armony and eight years of piano at Milan Music School, he started playing jazz music in some Milanese clubs, but he also discovered rock'n'roll music and in 1956 he became the "Rocky Mountains" keyboardist, that perform in "Taverna Mexico", "Aretusa" and "Santa Tecla", which was considered a sort of temple of Milanese rock'n'roll. Enzo Jannacci goes on playing instruments and writing lyrics.

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