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Thomas Robert Dewar (1864 - 1930)    

He was a Scottish whisky distiller who, along with his brother John Dewar, built their family label, Dewar's, into an international success. They blended their whisky to make it more appealing to the international palate and Sir Thomas demonstrated particular skills in marketing, travelling the world to find new markets and promote his product, exploiting romantic images of Scotland and tartan in his advertising.
Tommy Dewar was born in 1864 in Perth, Scotland. Son of John Dewar Sr., he was exposed at a very young age to the spirit industry in Scotland as his father founded the John Dewar & Sons Ltd. Tommy earned his education in Perth, as well as in Edinburgh and he soon realized that farming was not his calling. After his father's death he worked with his brother John to continue and grow their families brand. Gifted with a charisma that became world renowned, Tommy Dewar was able to expand his father's business on a global scale. Leaving his brother John A. Dewar Jr. in Scotland to run the business, Tommy set out to publicize their brand to the world. Visiting 26 countries over the course of 2 years, the Dewar's brand was put on the map as one of the premiere Scotch Whiskeys available. Tommy kept a journal of his travels which were consolidated and published in the book titled, "Ramble Round the Globe," published by Chatto and Windus in 1904. He was knighted in 1902 and later given the title of Lord Dewar, however he never married. In 1925, the Dewar Brothers took their company to join the union - the Distillers Company Ltd - both joining the board.
As stated above, he was an enthusiastic and gifted thinker and salesman. The founder of the "Dewarism" philosophy, he attempted to show that the way to success in life is not through an arduous or painstaking work agenda; success can be attained without compromising joy in life. This idea being the core of the philosophy, Tommy wrote smaller statements or observations that he accumulated throughout his life.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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